How To Meet Women

How To Meet Women

Part 1: How To Meet Women Through Social Circles

You know, it always amazes me the lengths to which most guys will go to figure out how to meet women easier. It seems we’re always looking for a quick fix. Well, I must admit, I’m one of those guys. After all, who wants to work? I want to take things easy and lead a nice, stress-free life. But let’s face facts: I’d never meet women sitting in my apartment every day, doing yoga, and playing with my dog.

How can we meet women without having to go out every single night? Well, allow me to share my solution to meeting women with you. A little secret you may not be aware of is that guys tend to meet women from their social circle, especially the women you want to meet.

For example, let’s say you have a friend that has a sister. One day, you go over to the friend’s place, and his sister is there with a few of her friends. You’re introduced to everybody, hit it off with one of the sister’s friends, and before you know it you got a date.

How did that work?

Friend -> Sister -> Sister’s Friend.

You meet women through people you know! And this is the easiest way to meet people there is, because if you’re friends with people they know, you must be a cool guy, right? It gives you tonnes of social value.

When you go out to meet women in a bar or a club (or even to meet women on the street for that matter), you’re doing “cold approaches.” (see below)

In other words, you’re trying to meet women you have no prior social relationship with. This is why meeting women in these environments is harder, because when you meet women they go through a process of determining if you’re a creep or not, if you’re cool or not, and if you’re someone they want to meet.

When you meet women through your social circle, it’s a more natural interaction, and most of the screening has already taken place due to the fact that you have mutual friends who vouch for you. The more friends you have, the more inroads you have into meeting women. So if you can continually expand your social circle, you’ll always be meeting women. It’s important to note that you should try to include many “female friends” in your social circle. womans you have simply as “friends,” no more, no less.


Because women have more female friends than most men. And if you are in their “friends” zone, they will want to hook you up with their girlfriends. Don’t ask why, they just do for some reason.

But in order to get the most use out of your social circle, you have to have an active social life. And the best way to do that is to GO OUT AND MEET WOMEN!
Part 2: How To Meet Women Through Cold Approaches

First, Nightclubs ARE very difficult venues. Unless you’re specially suited to the party-style nightlife, these venues will be a bit daunting. And even if you are predisposed to this type of pickup, you will still have to deal with lots of competition from other men.

That said, it’s not impossible to meet women in nightclubs. But it will require you to be a little more outgoing and aggressive than other venues.

First off, when I’m in a club, I tend to like to hang out in open-air areas where I can talk to other people easier. Patios and right outside the club can be good for this. Most clubs will have some form of outdoor area where you can hang out — especially places like New York and Los Angeles where you’re not allowed to smoke inside. The dance floor can also be quite effective. If you like to dance, go out there and try dancing with the women who are dancing by themselves. If they’re not into it, move on. If they are, it’s PLAY time!

Keep in mind the time at which you’re going to the club. Usually, the later it gets, the easier it is to meet women (this is because as it gets later, people are more pre-disposed to “hook up” due to alcohol, desperation, boredom, etc.).

Second, to approach women on the street takes a bit of finesse. In America, people do tend to be a bit more private than in other parts of the world. My best advice in this respect is to actually follow the woman for a bit and see where she’s going. If she stops off at a coffee shop or a bus stop, or whatever, THAT is the time to approach her! If it looks like she’s going someplace you can’t follow her into (like her home/dorm, for instance) then you’ll have to take the chance and try approaching her cold. But make it a quick approach and include a time constraint (“I know you’re on your way somewhere, this’ll only take a second…”), get her number as quick as you can, then move on. Don’t follow her for more than a block though, that would be creepy. Real creepy.

Finally, when it comes to the “boyfriend” thing, that’s a matter of personal taste. Some guys don’t want to mess with that, others don’t care. The thing is, most women aren’t THAT committed to their boyfriends, so it’s not as big of an obstacle as you might think. The important thing to do in this situation is to try and “read” the woman. Sometimes a woman will tell you she has a boyfriend when she really doesn’t because she wants to politely reject you (and sometimes she really does have a boyfriend and wants to stay faithful to him). If this is the case, you have to look at the signals she’s giving you to see if she’s actually into you or not.

If a woman does like you and is into you, she will usually withhold the fact that she has a boyfriend. And if she does bring it up, she wants you to take the lead and “sweep her off her feet” so she won’t have to feel guilty about cheating on him. So when that’s the case, it’s time to pump up the aggressiveness on your pickup.


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